Shiny Stuff

2011 September 18

Created by Clara 12 years ago
She had this thing for anything shiny, especially iridescent. And when you could catch those iridescent things in a window just the right way, it would shower everyone around in rainbows, and that was her favorite part. Sometimes she would save those Christmas decorations that are supposed to go around the Christmas tree and decorate her bedroom and workspace with the iridescence instead. In an effort to keep stuff from cluttering the floor, she would hang everything up. Almost anything could hang: necklaces, fans, a cello, symbols, plants, kendo sticks, and much more. In the studio room (her version of a living room) hung a variety of decorations, mostly by the windows so they could catch that special light. In the late afternoon sun, the studio would turn into a dazzling room of light and rainbows. Christmas ornaments, translucent glass globes, crystals, hanging cobalt bottles, and framed stained-glass would bounce light off of each other bathe everything around it in color. Before I started high school, my mom got into photo editing and was able to transfer her love of iridescence to the big screen, well, her big screen. She would take ordinary pictures that she or I had captured, and transform them into works of art by means of any graphics program she could get her hands on. In this was she got to employ some of her artistic ability through a venue she was exposing herself to more and more: the computer. -Clara
