The Land of Enchantment

2011 September 18

Created by Clara 12 years ago
There were so many times in the afternoons, after we moved to New Mexico, where my mom would call out to me to come outside. The first few times, I would think there was something the matter and I'd rush to her side to help out. Upon arriving I would discover my mom propped against the house wall gazing ahead. "Look at the sunset," she would say. And I would look and we would share those beautiful orange and pink moments together in the last light of the day. New Mexico sunsets are especially beautiful, or so I was told. It's something about the mountains and the thin high-altitude air, I think. She would often tell me that she fell in love with New Mexico when she was a child, but it wasn't until she and my father got divorced that she had the opportunity to move to the Land of Enchantment. The mountains are supposed to have this magnetism to them that pulls some people in and often doesn't let them go. And so we found a new home, where everyone else was eccentric enough that her own slight eccentricity fit right in. Or so she would say... - Clara
